When I was going out this morning to walk round the island with Michael, the boy who is teaching me Irish, I met an old man making his way down to the cottage. He was dressed in miserable black clothes which seemed to have come from the mainland, and was so bent with rheumatism that, at a little distance, he looked more like a spider than a human being.
Michael told me it was Pat Dirane, the story-teller old Mourteen had spoken of on the other island. I wished to turn back, as he appeared to be on his way to visit me, but Michael would not hear of it.
'He will be sitting by the fire when we come in,' he said; 'let you not be afraid, there will be time enough to be talking to him by and by.'
He was right. As I came down into the kitchen some hours later old Pat was still in the chimney-corner, blinking with the turf smoke.
He spoke English with remarkable aptness and fluency, due, I believe, to the months he spent in the English provinces working at the harvest when he was a young man.
After a few formal compliments he told me how he had been crippled by an attack of the 'old hin' (i.e. the influenza), and had been complaining ever since in addition to his rheumatism.
While the old woman was cooking my dinner he asked me if I liked stories, and offered to tell one in English, though he added, it would be much better if I could follow the Gaelic. Then he began:--
[やぶちゃん注:「それから何時聞かの後、私が茶の間の方へ下りて行つた時、パット爺さんは炭の爐で目をしばたたかせながら、爐の側にまだ居た。」は若干気になる。原文は“As I came down into the kitchen some hours later old Pat was still in the chimney-corner, blinking with the turf smoke.”で、“came down”とある。ところが既に読者には分かっている通り、彼の宿は平屋である。これは冒頭前文の“I met an old man making his way down to the cottage.”を受けるものであろう。則ち、シングとマイケルは島巡りをするために、宿からある小道を伝って登って行った。そのルートとは異なった宿へ下る小道をパット爺さんは降りてきたのであった。シングが「数時間の後」の島巡りを終えて、「下り道を降りて」、宿の、その茶の間へと入った時、パット爺さんは「炭の爐で目をしばたたかせながら、爐の側にまだ居た」ということであろう。この間合いが、アランの神話へと導かれる前哨として美事、と私は思うのである。「オールド・ヒン(即ち、インフルエンザ)」原文“'old hin' (i.e. the influenza)”。“hin”が分からない。栩木伸明氏訳2005年みすず書房刊の「アラン島」では、『めんどりバーバ』(ルビに『インフルエンザ』)という不思議な訳がなされていた。それを凝っと見ながら――成程!――と合点した。“hin”は“hen”(雌鶏)のパット爺さんの訛なのだ。栩木氏の「バーバ」は「雌鶏の御婆ちゃん」の意ではあるまいか?――それにしても、どうしてインフルエンザをこう呼ぶのだろう。まさか、鳥インフルエンザじゃあなかろうし、くしゃみの声とか、くしゃみをしたときの動作からの老いた雌鶏の連想だろうか?]
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