ジョン・ミリングトン・シング著姉崎正見訳「アラン島」第四部 (4)
young married woman I used often to talk with is dying of a fever--typhus I am
told--and her husband and brothers have gone off in a curagh to get the doctor
and the priest from the north island, though the sea is rough.
watched them from the Dun for a long time after they had started. Wind and rain
were driving through the sound, and I could see no boats or people anywhere
except this one black curagh splashing and struggling through the waves. When
the wind fell a little I could hear people hammering below me to the east. The
body of a young man who was drowned a few weeks ago came ashore this morning,
and his friends have been busy all day making a coffin in the yard of the house
where he lived.
a while the curagh went out of sight into the mist, and I came down to the cottage
shuddering with cold and misery.
old woman was keening by the fire.
have been to the house where the young man is,' she said, 'but I couldn't go to
the door with the air was coming out of it. They say his head isn't on him at
all, and indeed it isn't any wonder and he three weeks in the sea. Isn't it
great danger and sorrow is over every one on this island?"
asked her if the curagh would soon be coming back with the priest. 'It will not
be coming soon or at all to-night,' she said. 'The wind has gone up now, and
there will come no curagh to this island for maybe two days or three. And
wasn't it a cruel thing to see the haste was on them, and they in danger all
the time to be drowned themselves?'
I asked her how the woman was doing.
nearly lost,' said the old woman; 'she won't be alive at all tomorrow morning.
They have no boards to make her a coffin, and they'll want to borrow the boards
that a man below has had this two years to bury his mother, and she alive
still. I heard them saying there are two more women with the fever, and a child
that's not three. The Lord have mercy on us all!'
went out again to look over the sea, but night had fallen and the hurricane was
howling over the Dun. I walked down the lane and heard the keening in the house
where the young man was. Further on I could see a stir about the door of the
cottage that had been last struck by typhus. Then I turned back again in the
teeth of the rain, and sat over the fire with the old man and woman talking of
the sorrows of the people till it was late in the night.
「チブス」原文は“fever--typhus”。“Typhus”(窒扶斯・チブス・チフス)は高熱や発疹を伴う細菌感染症の一群を言い、異なった以下の三種を総称する。①サルモネラ菌の一種チフス菌“Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi”に経口感染することによって発症する「腸チフス」。腹胸部のバラ疹が特徴。通常の英語表記“typhoid fever”。抗菌薬がなかった当時の致死率は、主に調出血や腸穿孔による10~20%。②サルモネラ菌の一種パラチフスA菌 “Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi A”に経口感染することによって発症する「パラチフス」。致死率は腸チフスに比して低く5%程度。通常の英語表記“paratyphoid fever”。③主にコロモジラミやアタマジラミが媒介する発疹チフス・リケッチア“Rickettsia prowazekii”に感染することによって発症する「発疹チフス」。体幹部の丘疹から広がる全身性発疹が特徴。致死率は10~60%(10歳未満の小児では死亡は稀であるが、加齢により上昇、50歳以上の高齢者では治療不全の場合は60%を越える)。通常の英語表記“typhus”。この場合のアランの「チブス」は致死率が高いから、①か③の何れかであるが、古くは③の「発疹チフス」が“typhus”であった。原文の“fever--typhus”は①の腸チフスの英語名“typhoid fever”に最も似るが、英文の風土病記事などを検索すると、③の発疹チフスを“Endemic Typhus Fever”と記している記事を見かけるので同定し得ない。但し、私には③のベクター感染では①よりも高く、深刻な島内でのパンデミックが予想されるように思われるので、一応、腸チフスでとっておく。因みに、1898年を一回目とする、この四度目のシングのアラン帰還は1901年9月21日から10月19日(栩木伸明氏訳2005年みすず書房刊の「アラン島」の「あとがき」による)であるが、漱石の「こゝろ」の「先生」の両親は腸チフスのために相次いで亡くなっている。私の推定するその没年は明治28(1895)年頃である(私の『「こゝろ」マニアックス』の『●「先生」の時系列の推定年表』を参照のこと)。]
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