「お鬢づる」「お賓頭盧(びんづる)さま」である。釈迦の弟子中、獅子吼(ししく)第一と称された十六羅漢の第一に挙げられるビンドラ・バラダージャの尊像。本邦では病者が患部に相当する本像の部位を撫で摩ると除病の功徳があるとされる(現在は新造のものが本堂内にあったように記憶する)。ハーンは「有名な淺草のものと同じい」と述べているが、これは一年後の執筆時の、後に浅草寺のそれを見たあとの感懐である。私の電子テクスト「日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第四章 再び東京へ 12 浅草寺にて」に絵入りで出るのが、まさにそれである(これはハーン来日の十三年前、明治一〇(一八七七)年にモースが見たもので、現在は浅草寺本堂外の宝蔵門西南側にある浅草不動尊――但し、浅草寺とは異なる天台宗宝光山大行院――に金属製の「なで仏」としてリニューアルして鎮座している)。
Sec. 12
And we
arrive before the far-famed Kamakura temple of Kwannon—Kwannon, who yielded up
her right to the Eternal Peace that she might save the souls of men, and
renounced Nirvana to suffer with humanity for other myriad million
ages—Kwannon, the Goddess of Pity and of Mercy.
I climb
three flights of steps leading to the temple, and a young girl, seated at the
threshold, rises to greet us. Then she disappears within the temple to summon
the guardian priest, a venerable man, white-robed, who makes me a sign to
temple is large as any that I have yet seen, and, like the others, grey with
the wearing of six hundred years. From the roof there hang down votive
offerings, inscriptions, and lanterns in multitude, painted with various
pleasing colours. Almost opposite to the entrance is a singular statue, a
seated figure, of human dimensions and most human aspect, looking upon us with
small weird eyes set in a wondrously wrinkled face. This face was originally
painted flesh-tint, and the robes of the image pale blue; but now the whole is
uniformly grey with age and dust, and its colourlessness harmonises so well
with the senility of the figure that one is almost ready to believe one's self
gazing at a living mendicant pilgrim. It is Benzuru, the same personage whose
famous image at Asakusa has been made featureless by the wearing touch of
countless pilgrim-fingers. To left and right of the entrance are the Ni-O,
enormously muscled, furious of aspect; their crimson bodies are speckled with a
white scum of paper pellets spat at them by worshippers. Above the altar is a
small but very pleasing image of Kwannon, with her entire figure relieved
against an oblong halo of gold, imitating the flickering of flame.
this is not the image for which the temple is famed; there is another to be
seen upon certain conditions. The old priest presents me with a petition,
written in excellent and eloquent English, praying visitors to contribute
something to the maintenance of the temple and its pontiff, and appealing to those
of another faith to remember that 'any belief which can make men kindly and
good is worthy of respect.' I contribute my mite, and I ask to see the great
the old priest lights a lantern, and leads the way, through a low doorway on
the left of the altar, into the interior of the temple, into some very lofty
darkness. I follow him cautiously awhile, discerning nothing whatever but the
flicker of the lantern; then we halt before something which gleams. A moment,
and my eyes, becoming more accustomed to the darkness, begin to distinguish
outlines; the gleaming object defines itself gradually as a Foot, an immense
golden Foot, and I perceive the hem of a golden robe undulating over the
instep. Now the other foot appears; the figure is certainly standing. I can
perceive that we are in a narrow but also very lofty chamber, and that out of
some mysterious blackness overhead ropes are dangling down into the circle of
lantern-light illuminating the golden feet. The priest lights two more
lanterns, and suspends them upon hooks attached to a pair of pendent ropes
about a yard apart; then he pulls up both together slowly. More of the golden
robe is revealed as the lanterns ascend, swinging on their way; then the
outlines of two mighty knees; then the curving of columnar thighs under
chiselled drapery, and, as with the still waving ascent of the lanterns the
golden Vision towers ever higher through the gloom, expectation intensifies.
There is no sound but the sound of the invisible pulleys overhead, which squeak
like bats. Now above the golden girdle, the suggestion of a bosom. Then the
glowing of a golden hand uplifted in benediction. Then another golden hand
holding a lotus. And at last a Face, golden, smiling with eternal youth and
infinite tenderness, the face of Kwannon.
revealed out of the consecrated darkness, this ideal of divine
feminity—creation of a forgotten art and time—is more than impressive. I can
scarcely call the emotion which it produces admiration; it is rather reverence.
But the lanterns, which paused awhile at the level of the beautiful face, now
ascend still higher, with a fresh squeaking of pulleys. And lo! the tiara of
the divinity appears with strangest symbolism. It is a pyramid of heads, of
faces-charming faces of maidens, miniature faces of Kwannon herself.
this is the Kwannon of the Eleven Faces—Jiu-ichimen-Kwannon.
「元正天皇の御宇」女帝元正(げんしょう)天皇の在位は霊亀元(七一五)年~養老八(七二四)年。「かまくら子ども風土記 上」(昭和四八(一九七三)年鎌倉市教育研究所刊・改訂八版)では、養老五(七二一)年とする。
Sec. 13
sacred this statue is held; and this is its legend.
In the
reign of Emperor Gensei, there lived in the province of Yamato a Buddhist
priest, Tokudo Shonin, who had been in a previous birth Hold Bosatsu, but had
been reborn among common men to save their souls. Now at that time, in a valley
in Yamato, Tokudo Shonin, walking by night, saw a wonderful radiance; and going
toward it found that it came from the trunk of a great fallen tree, a kusunoki,
or camphor-tree. A delicious perfume came from the tree, and the shining of it
was like the shining of the moon. And by these signs Tokudo Shonin knew that
the wood was holy; and he bethought him that he should have the statue of
Kwannon carved from it. And he recited a sutra, and repeated the Nenbutsu,
praying for inspiration; and even while he prayed there came and stood before
him an aged man and an aged woman; and these said to him, 'We know that your
desire is to have the image of Kwannon-Sama carved from this tree with the help
of Heaven; continue therefore, to pray, and we shall carve the statue.'
Tokudo Shonin did as they bade him; and he saw them easily split the vast trunk
into two equal parts, and begin to carve each of the parts into an image. And he
saw them so labour for three days; and on the third day the work was done—and
he saw the two marvellous statues of Kwannon made perfect before him. And he
said to the strangers: 'Tell me, I pray you, by what names you are known.' Then
the old man answered: 'I am Kasuga Myojin.' And the woman answered: 'I am
called Ten-sho-ko-dai- jin; I am the Goddess of the Sun.' And as they spoke
both became transfigured and ascended to heaven and vanished from the sight of
Tokudo Shonin. [6]
And the
Emperor, hearing of these happenings, sent his representative to Yamato to make
offerings, and to have a temple built. Also the great priest, Gyogi-Bosatsu,
came and consecrated the images, and dedicated the temple which by order of the
Emperor was built. And one of the statues he placed in the temple, enshrining
it, and commanding it: 'Stay thou here always to save all living creatures!'
But the other statue he cast into the sea, saying to it: 'Go thou whithersoever
it is best, to save all the living.'
Now the
statue floated to Kamakura. And there arriving by night it shed a great
radiance all about it as if there were sunshine upon the sea; and the fishermen
of Kamakura were awakened by the great light; and they went out in boats, and
found the statue floating and brought it to shore. And the Emperor ordered that
a temple should be built for it, the temple called Shin-haseidera, on the
mountain called Kaiko-San, at Kamakura.
6 This
old legend has peculiar interest as an example of the efforts made by Buddhism
to absorb the Shinto divinities, as it had already absorbed those of India and
of China. These efforts were, to a great extent, successful prior to the
disestablishment of Buddhism and the revival of Shinto as the State religion.
But in Izumo, and other parts of western Japan, Shinto has always remained
dominant, and has even appropriated and amalgamated much belonging to Buddhism.
觀音の寺を後にしてからは、最早路傍に人家はない。左右の翠丘は急峻になつて、頭上の樹陰は濃くなつた。が、それでも折々、蒼苔の蒸せる石段、彫刻を加へた山門、或は鳥居などが、私共の訪ねる遑なき社寺の存在を知らせてゐる。この邊の幾多崩壞せる祠堂は、癈都の昔の壯麗と宏大を無言に證明してゐる。して、到る處花香に混じて心地よい、樹脂の味を帶びた日本の薰香が漂つてゐる。時々私共は四角柱の斷片の如き彫刻された石――荒れ果てた墓地の古塚――が澤山散らばつた處や、夢みる阿彌陀又は微笑せる觀音の像などが淋しげに立てる邊を過ぎた。すべて古びて、色褪せ、磨損して、櫛風沐雨に見分け難くなつたのもある。私は霎時立停つて、哀れげな六個の群像に眺め入つた。死んだ小兒の靈魂を護る、美はしい六地藏も、碎けて鱗蘚を結び、苔を帶びたさま! 五個の像は、多年の祈り示す小石の埋積裡に肩まで埋もれ、亡兒の可愛さに泰納せる、さまざまの色の涎掛が、その頸に卷いてある。が、一個の塊は減茶々々に破碎されて、自から跳ね飛ばした小石の間に顚覆してゐる。通りがかりの荷車に毀されたのであらう。
「鱗蘚」「うろこごけ」或いは当て読みで「ぜにごけ」とも読めそうだが、並列で「苔」と来るから、ここは「リンセン」と音で読むべきであろう。ゼニゴケ植物門ウロコゴケ綱ウロコゴケ亜綱ウロコゴケ目 Jungermanniales 、所謂鱗状に生え広がるゼニゴケ類を指す。ここの一文の原文は“Oh, how chipped and scurfed
and mossed they are!”で、当該語の“scurfy”はフケだらけの、カサカサしたの意である。]
Sec. 14
As we
leave the temple of Kwannon behind us, there are no more dwellings visible
along the road; the green slopes to left and right become steeper, and the
shadows of the great trees deepen over us. But still, at intervals, some flight
of venerable mossy steps, a carven Buddhist gateway, or a lofty torii, signals
the presence of sanctuaries we have no time to visit: countless crumbling
shrines are all around us, dumb witnesses to the antique splendour and vastness
of the dead capital; and everywhere, mingled with perfume of blossoms, hovers
the sweet, resinous smell of Japanese incense. Be-times we pass a scattered
multitude of sculptured stones, like segments of four-sided pillars—old haka,
the forgotten tombs of a long-abandoned cemetery; or the solitary image of some
Buddhist deity—a dreaming Amida or faintly smiling Kwannon. All are ancient,
time-discoloured, mutilated; a few have been weather-worn into
unrecognisability. I halt a moment to contemplate something pathetic, a group
of six images of the charming divinity who cares for the ghosts of little
children—the Roku-Jizo. Oh, how chipped and scurfed and mossed they are! Five
stand buried almost up to their shoulders in a heaping of little stones,
testifying to the prayers of generations; and votive yodarekake, infant bibs of
divers colours, have been put about the necks of these for the love of children
lost. But one of the gentle god's images lies shattered and overthrown in its
own scattered pebble-pile-broken perhaps by some passing wagon.
[やぶちゃん注:私の電子テクスト『大橋左狂「現在の鎌倉」 20 江の島』の注で述べたが、江の島に初めて本格的な桟橋が架けられたのは、このモースが訪れた翌年明治二四(一八九一)年のことであった(但し、砂州の途中からであった)、以下の原文の最初の一文中の“cañon”(キャニョン:峡谷/スペイン語であろう)の“ñ”は、文字化けしていたので、英文サイト“Internet Archive”の“Glimpses of
Unfamiliar Japan : Lafcadio Hearn”の原本画像を視認して挿入した。しばしばお世話になっているサイト「江の島マニアック」の「江の島の古写真」をリンクしておく。
「靑貝」原文の“Mother-of-Pearl”は、ここでは広義の真珠層を持った貝類を総称する語で、所謂、以下に出る本格的な「靑貝」細工、即ち、螺鈿(らでん)細工、及び、屑青貝(この場合は狭義のアワビ・サザエ・シンジュガイ・ヤコウガイ・オウムガイといった螺鈿細工の材料に用いる真珠光沢を持った貝類を指す)を用いた安価でちゃちな貝細工総体を指している。次の「眞珠母のやうな」という訳はやや上手くないように思われる。「眞珠母」は真珠層の別名で、ここの原文“opalescent with nacreous
things”は、“nacreous things”が具体的な「真珠層を砕いて得たピース」を指しており、それが“opalescent”、「パールのような光を発していて」という謂いであろう。ここで「眞珠母のやうな」と訳してしまった結果、「いづれの箱も眞珠母のやうな、非常に珍らしく、信じ難いほどに巧妙を凝らした品で、燦爛としてゐる。眞珠母製の魚や、鳥を絲に繫いだものは、虹の色に輝いてゐる。眞珠母で作つた子猫もある」と、直後の「眞珠母製の魚」「眞珠母で作つた子猫」との流れが、それこそ曇って淀んでしまっているように思われるのである。なお、平井呈一氏はここを『ことごとく螺鈿(らでん)のようなもので、乳白色に光り輝いている』と訳しておられる。落合氏よりも達意の訳であると思うが、これも気になる。何故なら、ここでの対象は「螺鈿のようなもの」なのではなく、如何に安っぽいものであっても、これら皆、「螺鈿」、「靑貝細工」であると私は思うからである。
Sec. 15
road slopes before us as we go, sinks down between cliffs steep as the walls of
a cañon, and curves. Suddenly we emerge from the cliffs, and reach the sea. It
is blue like the unclouded sky—a soft dreamy blue.
And our
path turns sharply to the right, and winds along cliff-summits overlooking a
broad beach of dun-coloured sand; and the sea wind blows deliciously with a
sweet saline scent, urging the lungs to fill themselves to the very utmost; and
far away before me, I perceive a beautiful high green mass, an island
foliage-covered, rising out of the water about a quarter of a mile from the
mainland—Enoshima, the holy island, sacred to the goddess of the sea, the
goddess of beauty. I can already distinguish a tiny town, grey-sprinkling its
steep slope. Evidently it can be reached to-day on foot, for the tide is out,
and has left bare a long broad reach of sand, extending to it, from the
opposite village which we are approaching, like a causeway.
Katase, the little settlement facing the island, we must leave our jinricksha
and walk; the dunes between the village and the beach are too deep to pull the
vehicle over. Scores of other jinricksha are waiting here in the little narrow
street for pilgrims who have preceded me. But to-day, I am told, I am the only
European who visits the shrine of Benten.
Our two
men lead the way over the dunes, and we soon descend upon damp firm sand.
As we
near the island the architectural details of the little town define
delightfully through the faint sea-haze—curved bluish sweeps of fantastic
roofs, angles of airy balconies, high-peaked curious gables, all above a
fluttering of queerly shaped banners covered with mysterious lettering. We pass
the sand-flats; and the ever-open Portal of the Sea- city, the City of the
Dragon-goddess, is before us, a beautiful torii. All of bronze it is, with
shimenawa of bronze above it, and a brazen tablet inscribed with characters
declaring: 'This is the Palace of the Goddess of Enoshima.' About the bases of
the ponderous pillars are strange designs in relievo, eddyings of waves with
tortoises struggling in the flow. This is really the gate of the city, facing
the shrine of Benten by the land approach; but it is only the third torii of
the imposing series through Katase: we did not see the others, having come by
way of the coast.
And lo!
we are in Enoshima. High before us slopes the single street, a street of broad
steps, a street shadowy, full of multi-coloured flags and dank blue drapery
dashed with white fantasticalities, which are words, fluttered by the sea wind.
It is lined with taverns and miniature shops. At every one I must pause to
look; and to dare to look at anything in Japan is to want to buy it. So I buy,
and buy, and buy!
verily 'tis the City of Mother-of-Pearl, this Enoshima. In every shop, behind
the' lettered draperies there are miracles of shell-work for sale at absurdly
small prices. The glazed cases laid flat upon the matted platforms, the shelved
cabinets set against the walls, are all opalescent with nacreous things—extraordinary
surprises, incredible ingenuities; strings of mother-of-pearl fish, strings of
mother-of-pearl birds, all shimmering with rainbow colours. There are little
kittens of mother-of-pearl, and little foxes of mother-of-pearl, and little
puppies of mother-of-pearl, and girls' hair-combs, and cigarette-holders, and
pipes too beautiful to use. There are little tortoises, not larger than a
shilling, made of shells, that, when you touch them, however lightly, begin to
move head, legs, and tail, all at the same time, alternately withdrawing or
protruding their limbs so much like real tortoises as to give one a shock of
surprise. There are storks and birds, and beetles and butterflies, and crabs
and lobsters, made so cunningly of shells, that only touch convinces you they
are not alive. There are bees of shell, poised on flowers of the same
material—poised on wire in such a way that they seem to buzz if moved only with
the tip of a feather. There is shell-work jewellery indescribable, things that
Japanese girls love, enchantments in mother-of-pearl, hair-pins carven in a
hundred forms, brooches, necklaces. And there are photographs of Enoshima.