

The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Sans Souci

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  • ふぅむ♡


  • 縄文の母子像 後影

Exlibris Puer Eternus

  • 僕の愛する「にゃん」


  • 熊野波速玉大社牛王符

Pierre Bonnard Histoires Naturelles

  • 樹々の一家   Une famille d'arbres
    Jules Renard “Histoires Naturelles”の Pierre Bonnard に拠る全挿絵 岸田国士訳本文は以下 http://yab.o.oo7.jp/haku.html

僕の視線の中のCaspar David Friedrich

  • 海辺の月の出(部分)


  • 地の涯の岬


  • Gullfoss

Air de Tasmania

  • タスマニアの幸せなコバヤシチヨジ
    2007年12月23~30日 タスマニアにて (2008年1月1日及び2日のブログ「タスマニア紀行」全8篇を参照されたい)


  • blog-2007-7-29



« 小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第四章 江ノ島巡禮(一六) | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第十九章 一八八二年の日本 雅楽の笛の音 »


小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第四章 江ノ島巡禮(一七)














[やぶちゃん注:俗に「江の島の屏風石」と呼称される「大日本國江島之靈石」など、薀蓄を述べたいところはゴマンとあるのであるが、私はもう、ハーンと一緒に江の島に入って、ともに歩いているだけで十分で、このルートや遺物及び旧跡をほぼ完全にハーンとともに追体験出来る人間なのである。ここでは、とてもインキ気臭い注を附す気が完全に失せた! 悪しからず!――なお、お暇な方は、例えば私の新編鎌倉志卷之六をご覧あれ。そこで私は「江の島の屏風石」の文字の写真を撮って添えている。また、同じく私のブログのカテゴリ「鎌倉紀行・地誌の、『風俗畫報』臨時増刊「江島・鵠沼・逗子・金澤名所圖會」(完結。現在、作業中の『風俗畫報』臨時増刊「鎌倉江の島名所圖會」の方ではない。ずっと下の方に夥しくある奴である)の膨大な「江島」パートの、私の各詳細記事を参照戴ければ、恩幸これに過ぎたるはない。そこで私はほぼ、言いたいこと、言うべきことをを総て言っているつもりだからである。



「板金鎧」「ばんきんよろい」と読む。一般にこれはヨーロッパ中世の騎士が装着するような“plate armor”(プレート・アーマー:人体の胸部或いは全身を覆う金属板で構成された鎧。)の訳語として知られるが、原文の“suits of plate”は、所謂、“plate armor”“armor”が甲冑一式(鎧と兜)を指す言葉であることから、ハーンは後に兜を言う関係上、鎧だけを示すために“suits”と言ったように見受けられる。









Sec. 17

Ascending the steps, we reach a terrace, overlooking all the city roofs. There are Buddhist lions of stone and stone lanterns, mossed and chipped, on either side the torii; and the background of the terrace is the sacred hill, covered with foliage. To the left is a balustrade of stone, old and green, surrounding a shallow pool covered with scum of water-weed. And on the farther bank above it, out of the bushes, protrudes a strangely shaped stone slab, poised on edge, and covered with Chinese characters. It is a sacred stone, and is believed to have the form of a great frog, gama; wherefore it is called Gama-ishi, the Frog-stone. Here and there along the edge of the terrace are other graven monuments, one of which is the offering of certain pilgrims who visited the shrine of the sea-goddess one hundred times. On the right other flights of steps lead to loftier terraces; and an old man, who sits at the foot of them, making bird-cages of bamboo, offers himself as guide.

We follow him to the next terrace, where there is a school for the children of Enoshima, and another sacred stone, huge and shapeless: Fuku-ishi, the Stone of Good Fortune. In old times pilgrims who rubbed their hands upon it believed they would thereby gain riches; and the stone is polished and worn by the touch of innumerable palms.

More steps and more green-mossed lions and lanterns, and another terrace with a little temple in its midst, the first shrine of Benten. Before it a few stunted palm-trees are growing. There is nothing in the shrine of interest, only Shinto emblems. But there is another well beside it with other votive towels, and there is another mysterious monument, a stone shrine brought from China six hundred years ago. Perhaps it contained some far-famed statue before this place of pilgrimage was given over to the priests of Shinto. There is nothing in it now; the monolith slab forming the back of it has been fractured by the falling of rocks from the cliff above; and the inscription cut therein has been almost effaced by some kind of scum. Akira reads 'Dai-Nippongoku-Enoshima-no-reiseki- ken . . .'; the rest is undecipherable. He says there is a statue in the neighbouring temple, but it is exhibited only once a year, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month.

Leaving the court by a rising path to the left, we proceed along the verge of a cliff overlooking the sea. Perched upon this verge are pretty tea-houses, all widely open to the sea wind, so that, looking through them, over their matted floors and lacquered balconies one sees the ocean as in a picture-frame, and the pale clear horizon specked with snowy sails, and a faint blue-peaked shape also, like a phantom island, the far vapoury silhouette of Oshima. Then we find another torii, and other steps leading to a terrace almost black with shade of enormous evergreen trees, and surrounded on the sea side by another stone balustrade, velveted with moss. On the right more steps, another torii, another terrace; and more mossed green lions and stone lamps; and a monument inscribed with the record of the change whereby Enoshima passed away from Buddhism to become Shino. Beyond, in the centre of another plateau, the second shrine of Benten.

But there is no Benten! Benten has been hidden away by Shinto hands. The second shrine is void as the first. Nevertheless, in a building to the left of the temple, strange relics are exhibited. Feudal armour; suits of plate and chain-mail; helmets with visors which are demoniac masks of iron; helmets crested with dragons of gold; two-handed swords worthy of giants; and enormous arrows, more than five feet long, with shafts nearly an inch in diameter. One has a crescent head about nine inches from horn to horn, the interior edge of the crescent being sharp as a knife. Such a missile would take off a man's head; and I can scarcely believe Akira's assurance that such ponderous arrows were shot from a bow by hand only. There is a specimen of the writing of Nichiren, the great Buddhist priest—gold characters on a blue ground; and there is, in a lacquered shrine, a gilded dragon said to have been made by that still greater priest and writer and master-wizard, Kobodaishi.

A path shaded by overarching trees leads from this plateau to the third shrine. We pass a torii and beyond it come to a stone monument covered with figures of monkeys chiselled in relief. What the signification of this monument is, even our guide cannot explain. Then another torii. It is of wood; but I am told it replaces one of metal, stolen in the night by thieves. Wonderful thieves! that torii must have weighed at least a ton! More stone lanterns; then an immense count, on the very summit of the mountain, and there, in its midst, the third and chief temple of Benten. And before the temple is a Lange vacant space surrounded by a fence in such manner as to render the shrine totally inaccessible. Vanity and vexation of spirit!

There is, however, a little haiden, or place of prayer, with nothing in it but a money-box and a bell, before the fence, and facing the temple steps. Here the pilgrims make their offerings and pray. Only a small raised platform covered with a Chinese roof supported upon four plain posts, the back of the structure being closed by a lattice about breast high. From this praying-station we can look into the temple of Beaten, and see that Benten is not there.

But I perceive that the ceiling is arranged in caissons; and in a central caisson I discover a very curious painting-a foreshortened Tortoise, gazing down at me. And while I am looking at it I hear Akira and the guide laughing; and the latter exclaims, 'Benten-Sama!'

A beautiful little damask snake is undulating up the lattice-work, poking its head through betimes to look at us. It does not seem in the least afraid, nor has it much reason to be, seeing that its kind are deemed the servants and confidants of Benten. Sometimes the great goddess herself assumes the serpent form; perhaps she has come to see us.

Near by is a singular stone, set on a pedestal in the court. It has the form of the body of a tortoise, and markings like those of the creature's shell; and it is held a sacred thing, and is called the Tortoise-stone. But I fear exceedingly that in all this place we shall find nothing save stones and serpents!

« 小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第四章 江ノ島巡禮(一六) | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第十九章 一八八二年の日本 雅楽の笛の音 »