

The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Sans Souci

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  • ふぅむ♡


  • 縄文の母子像 後影

Exlibris Puer Eternus

  • 僕の愛する「にゃん」


  • 熊野波速玉大社牛王符

Pierre Bonnard Histoires Naturelles

  • 樹々の一家   Une famille d'arbres
    Jules Renard “Histoires Naturelles”の Pierre Bonnard に拠る全挿絵 岸田国士訳本文は以下 http://yab.o.oo7.jp/haku.html

僕の視線の中のCaspar David Friedrich

  • 海辺の月の出(部分)


  • 地の涯の岬


  • Gullfoss

Air de Tasmania

  • タスマニアの幸せなコバヤシチヨジ
    2007年12月23~30日 タスマニアにて (2008年1月1日及び2日のブログ「タスマニア紀行」全8篇を参照されたい)


  • blog-2007-7-29



« 小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第八章 杵築――日本最古の社殿 (一一) | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第二十二章 京都及びその附近に於る陶器さがし 風景スケッチ »


小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第八章 杵築――日本最古の社殿 (一二)















[やぶちゃん注:「肉叉形をした、双股の箭の根など」「肉叉」は「にくさ」と読み、以下の原文を見ればわかる通り、フォークのこと。江戸後期から明治期にかけての語である。「双股の箭の根」は飛鳥や獣の足を射切るのに用いる先が二股に分かれていて内側に刃を持つ雁股(かりまた)の鏃 (やじり) のことか。

「桃花心木」「たうくわしんぼく(とうかしんぼく)」と音読みするが、これも原文で一目瞭然、高級家具用木材として輸入される、ムクロジ目センダン科マホガニー属 Swietenia のことである。中南米に分布する。ウィキの「マホガニー」によれば、現在では過剰伐採により減少傾向にあり、植林によって増やしているが、『近年、マフィアやギャングが私有地や国立公園に自生する樹木を違法に伐採し資金源にしていることから、一部ではワシントン条約の附属書IIに登録され、板材や原木を輸出入するには盗難品ではないという生産者の証明書類が必要である』とある。同属は現行の中国語でもこう書く。







「扁柏」檜(ひのき)のこと。球果植物門マツ綱マツ目ヒノキ科ヒノキ属 Chamaecyparis obtusa は中国語では「日本扁柏」と称する。因みに私は球果(きゅうか)植物門 Pinophyta(シノニム:Coniferophyta)というタクソンを今回始めて見たが、これは所謂、旧来の裸子植物門の中で、その種子の形状が傘状構造に包まれている類を指し、マツ門とも称し、スギ・ヒノキ・マツ類などの針葉樹植物はこのグループに含まれるという。即ち、現行では裸子植物門をソテツ門・イチョウ門・球果植物門の三群に分けるのであった。苦手な植物系とは言え、実に私の智は時代遅れなのであった。





Sec. 12

The Guji then calls my attention to the quaint relics lying upon the long low bench between us, which is covered with white silk: a metal mirror, found in preparing the foundation of the temple when rebuilt many hundred years ago; magatama jewels of onyx and jasper; a Chinese flute made of jade; a few superb swords, the gifts of shoguns and emperors; helmets of splendid antique workmanship; and a bundle of enormous arrows with double-pointed heads of brass, fork-shaped and keenly edged.

After I have looked at these relics and learned something of their history, the Guji rises and says to me, 'Now we will show you the ancient fire-drill of Kitzuki, with which the sacred fire is kindled.'

Descending the steps, we pass again before the Haiden, and enter a spacious edifice on one side of the court, of nearly equal size with the Hall of Prayer. Here I am agreeably surprised to find a long handsome mahogany table at one end of the main apartment into which we are ushered, and mahogany chairs placed all about it for the reception of guests. I am motioned to one chair, my interpreter to another; and the Guji and his priests take their seats also at the table. Then an attendant sets before me a handsome bronze stand about three feet long, on which rests an oblong something carefully wrapped in snow-white cloths. The Guji removes the wrappings; and I behold the most primitive form of fire-drill known to exist in the Orient. [16] It is simply a very thick piece of solid white plank, about two and a half feet long, with a line of holes drilled along its upper edge, so that the upper part of each hole breaks through the sides of the plank. The sticks which produce the fire, when fixed in the holes and rapidly rubbed between the palms of the hands, are made of a lighter kind of white wood; they are about two feet long, and as thick as a common lead pencil.

While I am yet examining this curious simple utensil, the invention of which tradition ascribes to the gods, and modern science to the earliest childhood of the human race, a priest places upon the table a light, large wooden box, about three feet long, eighteen inches wide, and four inches high at the sides, but higher in the middle, as the top is arched like the shell of a tortoise. This object is made of the same hinoki wood as the drill; and two long slender sticks are laid beside it. I at first suppose it to be another fire-drill. But no human being could guess what it really is. It is called the koto-ita, and is one of the most primitive of musical instruments; the little sticks are used to strike it. At a sign from the Guji two priests place the box upon the floor, seat themselves on either side of it, and taking up the little sticks begin to strike the lid with them, alternately and slowly, at the same time uttering a most singular and monotonous chant. One intones only the sounds, 'Ang! ang!' and the other responds, 'Ong! ong!' The koto-ita gives out a sharp, dead, hollow sound as the sticks fall upon it in time to each utterance of 'Ang! ang!' 'Ong! ong!' [17]


16 The fire-drill used at the Shinto temples of Ise is far more complicated in construction, and certainly represents a much more advanced stage of mechanical knowledge than the Kitzuki fire-drill indicates.


17 During a subsequent visit to Kitzuki I learned that the koto-ita is used only as a sort of primitive 'tuning' instrument: it gives the right tone for the true chant which I did not hear during my first visit. The true chant, an ancient Shinto hymn, is always preceded by the performance above described.

« 小泉八雲 落合貞三郎訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第八章 杵築――日本最古の社殿 (一一) | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第二十二章 京都及びその附近に於る陶器さがし 風景スケッチ »