

The Picture of Dorian Gray

  • Sans Souci

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  • ふぅむ♡


  • 縄文の母子像 後影

Exlibris Puer Eternus

  • 僕の愛する「にゃん」


  • 熊野波速玉大社牛王符

Pierre Bonnard Histoires Naturelles

  • 樹々の一家   Une famille d'arbres
    Jules Renard “Histoires Naturelles”の Pierre Bonnard に拠る全挿絵 岸田国士訳本文は以下 http://yab.o.oo7.jp/haku.html

僕の視線の中のCaspar David Friedrich

  • 海辺の月の出(部分)


  • 地の涯の岬


  • Gullfoss

Air de Tasmania

  • タスマニアの幸せなコバヤシチヨジ
    2007年12月23~30日 タスマニアにて (2008年1月1日及び2日のブログ「タスマニア紀行」全8篇を参照されたい)


  • blog-2007-7-29



« 原節子――悼 | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第二十五章 東京に関する覚書(16) 蜷川式胤の葬儀――谷中にて »


小泉八雲 落合貞三郎他訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第二十二章 舞妓について (一)
















   It was formerly, and indeed still is, a custom with young Japanese artists to travel on foot through various parts of the empire, in order to see and sketch the most celebrated scenery as well as to study famous art objects preserved in Buddhist temples, many of which occupy sites of extraordinary picturesqueness. It is to such wanderings, chiefly, that we owe the existence of those beautiful books of landscape views and life studies which are now so curious and rare, and which teach better than aught else that only the Japanese can paint Japanese scenery. After you have become acquainted with their methods of interpreting their own nature, foreign attempts in the same line will seem to you strangely flat and soulless. The foreign artist will give you realistic reflections of what he sees; but he will give you nothing more. The Japanese artist gives you that which he feels,— the mood of a season, the precise sensation of an hour and place; his work is qualified by a power of suggestiveness rarely found in the art of the West. The Occidental painter renders minute detail; he satisfies the imagination he evokes. But his Oriental brother either suppresses or idealizes detail,— steeps his distances in mist, bands his landscapes with cloud, makes of his experience a memory in which only the strange and the beautiful survive, with their sensations. He surpasses imagination, excites it, leaves it hungry with the hunger of charm perceived in glimpses only. Nevertheless, in such glimpses he is able to convey the feeling of a time, the character of a place, after a fashion that seems magical. He is a painter of recollections and of sensations rather than of clear-cut realities; and in this lies the secret of his amazing power,— a power not to be appreciated by those who have never witnessed the scenes of his inspiration. He is above all things impersonal. His human figures are devoid of all individuality; yet they have inimitable merit as types embodying the characteristics of a class: the childish curiosity of the peasant, the shyness of the maiden, the fascination of the jorō the self-consciousness of the samurai, the funny, placid prettiness of the child, the resigned gentleness of age. Travel and observation were the influences which developed this art; it was never a growth of studios.


   A great many years ago, a young art student was travelling on foot from Kyōto to Yedo, over the mountains The roads then were few and bad, and travel was so difficult compared to what it is now that a proverb was current, Kawai ko wa tabi wo sase (A pet child should be made to travel). But the land was what it is to-day. There were the same forests of cedar and of pine, the same groves of bamboo, the same peaked villages with roofs of thatch, the same terraced rice-fields dotted with the great yellow straw hats of peasants bending in the slime. From the wayside, the same statues of Jizō smiled upon the same pilgrim figures passing to the same temples; and then, as now, of summer days, one might see naked brown children laughing in all the shallow rivers, and all the rivers laughing to the sun.

   The young art student, however, was no kawai ko: he had already travelled a great deal, was inured to hard fare and rough lodging, and accustomed to make the best of every situation. But upon this journey he found himself, one evening after sunset, in a region where it seemed possible to obtain neither fare nor lodging of any sort,— out of sight of cultivated land. While attempting a short cut over a range to reach some village, he had lost his way.

   There was no moon, and pine shadows made blackness all around him. The district into which he had wandered seemed utterly wild; there were no sounds but the humming of the wind in the pine-needles, and an infinite tinkling of bell-insects. He stumbled on, hoping to gain some river bank, which he could follow to a settlement. At last a stream abruptly crossed his way; but it proved to be a swift torrent pouring into a gorge between precipices. Obliged to retrace his steps, he resolved to climb to the nearest summit, whence he might be able to discern some sign of human life; but on reaching it he could see about him only a heaping of hills.

   He had almost resigned himself to passing the night under the stars, when he perceived, at some distance down the farther slope of the hill he had ascended, a single thin yellow ray of light, evidently issuing from some dwelling. He made his way towards it, and soon discerned a small cottage, apparently a peasant's home. The light he had seen still streamed from it, through a chink in the closed storm-doors. He hastened forward, and knocked at the entrance.

« 原節子――悼 | トップページ | 日本その日その日 E.S.モース(石川欣一訳) 第二十五章 東京に関する覚書(16) 蜷川式胤の葬儀――谷中にて »