小泉八雲 落合貞三郎他訳 「知られぬ日本の面影」 第二十六章 日本人の微笑 (二)
[やぶちゃん注:「ミス・ベーコンの『日本人の少女と歸人』」旧会津藩国家老山川尚江重固(なおえしげかた)の末娘山川捨松をホームステイさせたことでも知られるアメリカ人女性教育者のアリス・メイベル・ベーコン(Alice Mabel Bacon 一八五八年~一九一八年)が一八九一年にボストンで刊行した“Japanese Girls and Women”(現行の邦訳題では「日本の女たち」)。ウィキの「アリス・ベーコン」によれば、『父はコネチカット州 ニューヘイブンの牧師であったレオナルド・ベーコン、母はキャサリン。キャサリンは後妻で、アリスは』十四人兄弟の末娘であった。『父・レオナルドは牧師のほかイェール大学神学校の教師も務め、南北戦争の時、いち早く奴隷制に反対する論陣を張るなど、人望が厚く地元の名士であった。子沢山であったため生活は非常に苦しかったという』。一八七二年(明治五年)に『日本から来た女子留学生の下宿先を探していた森有礼の申し出に応じて山川捨松を引き取ったのは日本政府から支払われる多額の謝礼が目当てであったといわれる。しかし、レオナルド夫妻は捨松を娘同様に扱い、特に年齢の近かったアリスとは姉妹のように過ごした』。『アリスは地元の高校・ヒルハウスハイスクールを卒業したものの、経済的な事情で大学進学をあきらめた。しかし』一八八一年に『ハーバード大学の学士検定試験に合格し学士号を取得』、二年後の一八八三年には『ハンプトン師範学校正教師とな』ったが、翌一八八四年(明治十七年)に『大山捨松や津田梅子の招聘により華族女学校(後の学習院女学校)英語教師として来日』、来日中の一年間の手紙を纏めたものを一八九四年(彼女の英語版ウィキでは一八九三年とする)に“Japanese
Miscomprehension of the Japanese smile has
more than once led to extremely unpleasant results, as happened in the case of
T―― a Yokohama
merchant of former days. T――
had employed in some capacity (I think partly as a teacher of
Japanese) a nice old samurai, who wore, according to the fashion of the era, a
queue and two swords. The English and the Japanese do not understand each other
very well now; but at the period in question they understood each other much
less. The Japanese servants at first acted in foreign employ precisely as they
would have acted in the service of distinguished Japanese; [1] and this
innocent mistake provoked a good deal of abuse and cruelty. Finally the
discovery was made that to treat Japanese like West Indian negroes might be
very dangerous.
A certain number of foreigners were killed,
with good moral consequences.
But I am digressing. T―― was rather
pleased with his old samurai, though quite unable to understand his Oriental
politeness, his prostrations or the meaning of the small gifts which he
presented occasionally, with an exquisite courtesy entirely wasted upon T――. One day he came to
ask a favor. (I think it was the eve of the Japanese New Year, when everybody
needs money, for reasons not here to be dwelt upon.) The favor was that T―― would lend him
a little money upon one of his swords, the long one. It was a very beautiful
weapon, and the merchant saw that it was also very valuable, and lent the money
without hesitation. Some weeks later the old man was able to redeem his sword.
What caused the beginning of the subsequent
unpleasantness nobody now remembers Perhaps T――'s nerves got out of order. At
all events, one day he became very angry with the old man, who submitted to the
expression of his wrath with bows and smiles. This made him still more angry,
and he used some extremely bad language; but the old man still bowed and
smiled; wherefore he was ordered to leave the house. But the old man continued
to smile, at which T――, losing all
self-control struck him. And then T――
suddenly became afraid, for the long sword instantly leaped
from its sheath, and swirled above him; and the old man ceased to seem old.
Now, in the grasp of anyone who knows how to use it, the razor-edged blade of a
Japanese sword wielded with both hands can take a head off with extreme
facility. But, to T――'s astonishment, the old samurai, almost in the same
moment, returned the blade to its sheath with the skill of a practiced
swordsman, turned upon his heel, and withdrew.
Then T――
wondered and sat down to think. He began to remember some nice
things about the old man,— the many kindnesses unasked and unpaid, the curious
little gifts, the impeccable honesty. T――
began to feel ashamed. He tried to console himself with the
thought: 'Well, it was his own fault; he had no right to laugh at me when he
knew I was angry.' Indeed, T――
even resolved to make amends when an opportunity should offer.
But no opportunity ever came, because on the
same evening the old man performed hara-kiri, after the manner of a samurai. He
left a very beautifully written letter explaining his reasons. For a samurai to
receive an unjust blow without avenging it was a shame not to be borne, He had
received such a blow. Under any other circumstances he might have avenged it.
But the circumstances were, in this instance, of a very peculiar kind, His code
of honor forbade him to use his sword upon the man to whom he had pledged it
once for money, in an hour of need. And being thus unable to use his sword,
there remained for him only the alternative of an honorable suicide.
In order to render this story less
disagreeable, the reader may suppose that T――
was really very sorry, and behaved generously to the family of
the old man. What he must not suppose is that T―― was ever able
to imagine why the old man had smiled the smile which led to the outrage and
the tragedy.
The reader will find it well worth his while to consult the chapter entitled
'Domestic Service,' in Miss Bacon's Japanese
Girls and Women, for an interesting and just presentation of the practical
side of the subject, as relating to servants of both sexes. The poetical side,
however, is not treated of,―
perhaps because intimately connected with religious beliefs
which one writing from the Christian standpoint could not be expected to
consider sympathetically. Domestic service in ancient Japan was both
transfigured and regulated by religion; and the force of the religious
sentiment concerning it may be divined from the Buddhist saying, still current:―
Oya-ko wa is-se,
Fufu wa ni-se,
Shuju wa san-se.
The relation of parent and child endures for
the space of one life only; that of husband and wife for the space of two
lives; but the relation between master and servant continues for the period of
three existences.
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