小泉八雲 神國日本 戸川明三譯 附原文 附やぶちゃん注(3) 古代の祭祀
γένος 若しくはロオマの gens に似たもので――最も廣い意味での族長的家族である。有史以前の日本に於ては一家の祖先の家族的禮拜といふものはなかつた――同族的奉祭は只だ埋葬の場に於てのみ行はれたらしく思はれる。併し後代の家族的禮拜は、原始的な同族的奉祭から發達して來たもので、間接に尤も古い宗教の形を表はすものである、從つてそれは日本の社會的進化の研究には先づ第一に考へなければならないものである。
[やぶちゃん注:「ハァバァト・スペンサア」イギリスの哲学者で社会学の創始者の一人としても知られるハーバート・スペンサー(Herbert Spencer 一八二〇年~一九〇三年)。参照したウィキの「ハーバート・スペンサー」によれば(アラビア数字を漢数字に代えた)、『一八八〇~九〇年代の明治期日本では、スペンサーの著作が数多く翻訳され、「スペンサーの時代」と呼ばれるほどであった。たとえば、一八六〇年の『教育論』は、尺振八の訳で一八八〇年に『斯氏教育論』と題して刊行され、「スペンサーの教育論」として広く知られた。その社会進化論に裏打ちされたスペンサーの自由放任主義や社会有機体説は、当時の日本における自由民権運動の思想的支柱としても迎えられ、数多くの訳書が読まれた。しかし、スペンサーからみると、封建制をようやく脱した程度の当時の日本は、憲法を持つなど急速な近代化は背伸びのしすぎであると考え、森有礼のあっせんで、一八八三年に板垣退助と会見した時も、彼の自由民権的な発言を空理空論ととらえ、けんか別れをしたといわれる。 このようなことがあったにもかかわらず、一八八六年には浜野定四郎らの訳により『政法哲学』が出版されるほど、日本でスペンサーの考えは浸透していた』とある。以上の四名の内、ダーゥイン(死後九年)を除いて、本書が執筆された明治二四(一八九一)年の段階でまだ存命していた近代科学と思想を現に荷っていた人物である。また、一八五九年にダーウィンが提唱した進化論が本格的に日本に紹介されたのは明治 一〇(一八七七)年の東京大学でのエドワード・モースの講義が濫觴であり(私のE.S.モース石川欣一訳「日本その日その日」を参照されたい)、一般民衆の受容は明治三七(一九〇四)年の丘浅次郎の「進化論講話」によったと考えてよいから(私は丘先生の「生物學講話」も電子化注しているので参考にされたい。将来はまさにこの「進化論講話」も手掛けたいと考えている)、まさに「死せる」ダーウィンもまたアップ・トゥ・デイトな「生きた」西欧最新の近代科学思想家であったのである。平井呈一氏は恒文社版「日本――一つの試論」の後書きの「八雲と二本(その二)」で、小泉八雲の本書の文章は『雄渾端正、彼の師事したハーバート・スペンサー、遠くはかれの私淑したド・キンシーの格調高い勁直な文体を思わせるものがあ』ると評しておられる。「ド・キンシー」は“Confessions of an English Opium-Eater”(イギリス阿片服用者の告白:一八二二年)で知られるイギリスの評論家トマス・ド・クインシー(Thomas De Quincey 一七八五年~一八五九年)のこと。
「ペリクリスの時代に於けるアゼンス人」原文の“the Athenians in the time of
[やぶちゃん注:「第八世紀則ち位牌が支那から入りて來たと考へられるその時代頃」「位牌」は原文“the spirit-tablet”であるが、ちょっとおかしい。現在、位牌の伝来は鎌倉時代の禅宗の作法とともに伝来し、鎌倉新仏教の民衆への急速な展開によって祭祀されるようになるから、これは概ね十三世紀初頭となる。仏教伝来は遡る六世紀中葉であるから、これも合わない。八世紀となると、聖武天皇の治世に各国に国分寺が建立され、東大寺が総国分寺となって盧舎那仏が建立され、七五四年には鑑真が来日しており、この辺りを国家が本腰で仏教化し、そこから派生的に氏族内での公的祖先祭祀も生じたと八雲は判断したものか。この時期にはしかし位牌は存在せず、あくまで本尊などを祀る須弥壇(しゅみだん)があったばかりだとは思うのだが。]
「ホオマア以前の想像時代」原文は“the pre-Homeric stage”で“Homer”は言わずもがな、「イーリアス」「オデュッセイア」の作者とされる紀元前八世紀末の吟遊詩人ホメーロス(ラテン語:Homerus)の英語読み。]
古代の日本人は、アリヤン民族の原始的祖先禮拜者と同樣、その死者を以つて現世以外の光明至福の王土にのぼり、若しくは苦悶苛責の世界に墮ちるといふ風には考へなかつた。彼等は死者を以つて、なほ此世界に住み、若しくは少くとも此世界と常に交渉をつづけて居るものと考へて居た。日本人最古の神聖なる記録には、なるほど下界の事が記してあり、不思議な雷神及び惡靈が醜惡の内に住んで居るといふ事がある、併しこの漠然とした死者の世界は、生きた人の世界と交通し、その下界の靈は多少その朽廢の内に包まれては居るが、なほ且つ地上に於て人々の奉仕と供物とを受納しうるのである。佛教の渡來までは、天國地獄の考はなかつた。死者の亡靈は奉祭を要し、また多少生者の苦樂を頒かち得る恆久の存在を有するものとして考へられて居た。それ等は飮食竝びに光明を要したが、その代りにまた利福を下し得たのであつた。その身體は地中に融解し去つた、併しその靈の力 はなほ上界にさすらひ、その心髓に透徹し、風の内に水の中に動いて居たのである。死に依つて人々は神祕な力を得たのである――彼等は『上に立つ感の』神(ゴッヅ)になつたのである。
則ち換言すれば最古のギリシヤ及びロオマでいふ意味の神になつたのである。注意すベき事は、此神格化には、東西共に何等道德的差別を伴はない事である。『すべて死者は神になる』とは神道の大解釋家なる平田(篤胤)の記した處である。これと同樣に古いギリシヤ人の考に於ても、後のロオマ人の考に於てすらも、すべて死者は神となつたのである。クウランジュ氏はその『古代の都市』“La Cité Antique”の内に恁う言つて居る『この種の祭拜はただに大人物のみの特權ではない、何等の差別もありはしなかつた……有德の人であつたといふ事すら必要ではなかつた、惡人も善人と同樣神になつた――只だこの死後の存在にあつても、惡人はその前生の惡るい性癖を保持して居たのである』と。神道の信仰も丁度その通りで――善人は善行の神となり、惡人は惡の神となつた――併しすべては等しく神となつたのである。『而して善神も惡神もあるが故に、その好み給ふ供物を以つて、琴を彈じ、笛を吹き、歌ひ且つ舞ひ、其の他神々の意に適ふものを以つてその靈を慰めの要あり』と本居も記した。ラテンの人は死者の惡意ある亡靈を Larvae(惡靈)と呼び、善意ある或は害なき亡靈を Lares(家の神)と呼んだ、アピユレイアスの所謂 Manes(亡靈、死者)Genii(守神)である。併しすべては等しく神々 ―― dii-manes(亡魂の神)であつた、而してシセロはすべてのデイイ・マネスに正當なる禮拜を爲すべき事を警告し『彼等はこの世から去つた人間である――彼等を神惚なるものと考ふるべし』と言つた。
[やぶちゃん注:「クウランジュ」ヌマ・ドニ・フュステル・ド・クーランジュ(Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges 一八三〇年~一八八九年)はフランスの中世史の歴史学者。『クーランジュは自身の方法を「デカルト的懐疑を史学に適用したもの」と語って』『彼の掲げた史学研究のモットーは、『直接に根本史料のみを、もっとも細部にわたって研究すること』、『根本史料の中に表現されている事柄のみを信用すること』、そして『過去の歴史の中に、近代的観念を持ちこまないこと』であったという。『クーランジュの文献資料に関する知識は当時としては最高であり、その解釈についても他人の追随を許さなかった。しかし、彼は古代作家を無批判に信頼し、原典の信憑性を確認せずに採用した。さらに通説にことさらに反対する傾向があった』。『クーランジュの文体は明晰かつ簡明であり、事実と推理のみをあらわし、当時のフランス史家の悪弊であった「漠然とした概括」や「演説口調の慣用語」から脱却していた』とある。詳細は参照引用したウィキの「フュステル・ド・クーランジュ」を参照されたい。
「『古代の都市』“La Cité Antique”」フュステル・ド・クーランジュが一八六四年に刊行した“La Cité antique”(古代都市)。彼の最初期の著作で、上記のウィキによれば、『広い学識を簡明に総合してやさしい形式のもとに表現しようとした時期』の作品である。
「アピユレイアス」原文“Apuleius”。北アフリカのマダウロス出身の帝政ローマの弁論作家で哲学者アプレイウス(Lucius Apuleius 一二三年頃~没年未詳)。参照したウィキの「アプレイウス」には、『奇想天外な小説や極端に技巧的な弁論文によって名声を博し』、『カルタゴに居住し、文学活動の傍ら』、『アフリカ各地を旅した。哲学者として市民の尊敬を得、カルタゴやマダウロスにアプレイウスの彫像が建てられたと伝えられている』とある。
「Genii」ラテン語の擬人化された精霊を指すゲニウス(genius)の複数形。所持するラテン語辞書には「守り神」・「才」「我(が)」・「趣味」「楽しみ」などと記すが、ウィキの「ゲニウス」には、『古代ローマ人の信仰においては、ゲニウスは概して守護霊もしくは善意の霊とされ、悪霊は malus genius と呼ばれた』。『一般的に言って、古代ローマの宗教におけるゲニウスとは、個人や場所や事物にあまねく現臨している普遍的な神性を個別化したものであり』、『換言すれば、万象に宿る非人格的な神的力を個別に人格化・神格化したものである』とあり、また、『語源学的には、genius と nature は同じ由来を持ち、インド・ヨーロッパ語族の』「gen-」(産出する)から生まれたとある。その他、詳しくはリンク先を参照されたい。
「dii-manes」不詳。ラテン語の接頭辞「di-」ならば「dis-」で「分離された」の意であり、また関係があるかどうかは全く不明であるが、「Dis」は冥界の神の名(ギリシャ神話のプルートと同一視された)でもある。ただ、小堀馨子氏の論文「古代ローマの死者祭祀―レムリア(Lemuria)再考」(PDF)に『祖霊神(di manes)』の綴りを見い出せる。総体としての祖霊で、これであろう。]
THE real religion of
Japan, the religion still professed in one form or other, by the entire nation,
is that cult which has been the foundation of all civilized religion, and of
all civilized society,— Ancestor-worship. In the course of thousands of years
this original cult has undergone modifications, and has assumed various shapes;
but everywhere in Japan its fundamental character remains unchanged. Without
including the different Buddhist forms of ancestor-worship, we find three
distinct rites of purely Japanese origin, subsequently modified to some degree
by Chinese influence and ceremonial. These Japanese forms of the cult are all
classed together under the name of "Shintō," which signifies,
"The Way of the Gods." It is not an ancient term; and it was first
adopted only to distinguish the native religion, or "Way" from the
foreign religion of Buddhism called "Butsudo," or "The Way of
the Buddha." The three forms of the Shintō worship of ancestors are the
Domestic Cult, the Communal Cult, and the State Cult;— or, in other words, the
worship of family ancestors, the worship of clan or tribal ancestors, and the
worship of imperial ancestors. The first is the religion of the home; the
second is the religion of the local divinity, or tutelar god; the third is the
national religion. There are various other forms of Shintō worship; but they
need not be considered for the present.
Of the three forms of ancestor-worship above
mentioned, the family-cult is the first in evolutional order,— the others being
later developments. But, in speaking of the family-cult as the oldest, I do not
mean the home-religion as it exists to-day;— neither do I mean by
"family" anything corresponding to the term "household." The
Japanese family in early times meant very much more than "household":
it might include a hundred or a thousand households: it was something like the
Greek γένος or the Roman gens,— the
patriarchal family in the largest sense of the term. In prehistoric Japan the
domestic cult of the house-ancestor probably did not exist;—the family-rites
would appear to have been performed only at the burial-place. But the later
domestic cult, having been developed out of the primal family-rite, indirectly
represents the most ancient form of the religion, and should therefore be
considered first in any study of Japanese social evolution.
The evolutional history of ancestor-worship
has been very much the same in all countries; and that of the Japanese cult offers remarkable
evidence in support of Herbert Spencer's exposition of the law of religious
development. To comprehend this general law, we must, however, go back to the
origin of religious beliefs. One should bear in mind that, from a sociological
point of view, it is no more correct to speak of the existing ancestor-cult in
Japan as "primitive," than it would be to speak of the domestic cult
of the Athenians in the time of Pericles as "primitive." No
persistent form of ancestor-worship is primitive; and every established
domestic cult has been developed out of some irregular and non-domestic
family-cult, which, again, must have grown out of still more ancient
Our knowledge of ancestor-worship, as
regards the early European civilizations, cannot be said to extend to the
primitive form of the cult. In the case of the Greeks and the Romans, our
knowledge of the subject dates from a period at which a domestic religion had
long been established; and we have documentary evidence as to the character of
that religion. But of the earlier cult that must have preceded the
home-worship, we have little testimony; and we can surmise its nature only by
study of the natural history of ancestor-worship among peoples not yet arrived
at a state of civilization. The true domestic cult begins with a settled
civilization. Now when the Japanese race first established itself in Japan, it
does not appear to have brought with it any civilization of the kind which we
would call settled, nor any well-developed ancestor-cult. The cult certainly
existed; but its ceremonies would seem to have been irregularly performed at
graves only. The domestic cult proper may not have been established until about
the eighth century, when the spirit-tablet is supposed to have been introduced
from China. The earliest ancestor-cult, as we shall presently see, was
developed out of the primitive funeral-rites and propitiatory ceremonies.
The existing family religion is therefore a
comparatively modern development; but it is at least as old as the true civilization
of the country, and it conserves beliefs and ideas which are indubitably
primitive, as well as ideas and beliefs derived from these. Before treating
further of the cult itself, it will be necessary to consider some of these
older beliefs.
The earliest ancestor-worship,— "the
root of all religions," as Herbert Spencer calls it,— was probably coeval
with the earliest definite belief in ghosts. As soon as men were able to
conceive the idea of a shadowy inner self, or double, so soon, doubtless, the propitiatory
cult of spirits began. But this earliest ghost-worship must have long preceded
that period of mental development in which men first became capable of forming
abstract ideas. The primitive ancestor-worshippers could not have formed the
notion of a supreme deity; and all evidence existing as to the first forms of
their worship tends to show that there primarily existed no difference whatever
between the conception of ghosts and the conception of gods. There were,
consequently, no definite beliefs in any future state of reward or of
punishment,— no ideas of any heaven or hell. Even the notion of a shadowy
underworld, or Hades, was of much later evolution. At first the dead were
thought of only as dwelling in the tombs provided for them,— whence they could
issue, from time to time, to visit their former habitations, or to make
apparition in the dreams of the living. Their real world was the place of
burial,— the grave, the tumulus. Afterwards there slowly developed the idea of
an underworld, connected in some mysterious way with the place of sepulture.
Only at a much later time did this dim underworld of imagination expand and
divide into regions of ghostly bliss and woe. . . . It is a noteworthy fact
that Japanese mythology never evolved the ideas of an Elysium or a Tartarus,— never
developed the notion of a heaven or a hell. Even to this day Shintō belief
represents the pre-Homeric stage of imagination as regards the supernatural.
Among the Indo-European races likewise there
appeared to have been at first no difference between gods and ghosts, nor any
ranking of gods as greater and lesser. These distinctions were gradually
developed. "The spirits of the dead," says Mr. Spencer,
"forming, in a primitive tribe, an ideal group the members of which are
but little distinguished from one another, will grow more and more
distinguished;— and as societies advance, and as traditions, local and general,
accumulate and complicate, these once similar human souls, acquiring in the
popular mind differences of character and importance, will diverge — until
their original community of nature becomes scarcely recognizable." So in
antique Europe, and so in the Far East, were the greater gods of nations
evolved from ghost-cults; but those ethics of ancestor-worship which shaped
alike the earliest societies of West and East, date from a period before the
time of the greater gods,— from the period when all the dead were supposed to
become gods, with no distinction of rank.
No more than the primitive
ancestor-worshippers of Aryan race did the early Japanese think of their dead
as ascending to some extra-mundane region of light and bliss, or as descending
into some realm of torment. They thought of their dead as still inhabiting this
world, or at least as maintaining with it a constant communication. Their
earliest sacred records do, indeed, make mention of an underworld, where
mysterious Thunder-gods and evil goblins dwelt in corruption; but this vague
world of the dead communicated with the world of the living; and the spirit
there, though in some sort attached to its decaying envelope, could still
receive upon earth the homage and the offerings of men. Before the advent of
Buddhism, there was no idea of a heaven or a hell. The ghosts of the departed
were thought of as constant presences, needing propitiation, and able in some
way to share the pleasures and the pains of the living. They required food and
drink and light; and in return for these; they could confer benefits. Their
bodies had melted into earth; but their spirit-power still lingered in the
upper world, thrilled its substance, moved in its winds and waters. By death
they had acquired mysterious force;— they had become "superior ones,"
Kami, gods.
That is to say, gods in the oldest Greek and
Roman sense. Be it observed that there were no moral distinctions, East or
West, in this deification. "All the dead become gods," wrote the
great Shintō commentator, Hirata. So likewise, in the thought of the early
Greeks and even of the late Romans, all the dead became gods. M. de Coulanges observes,
in La Cité antique: ― "This kind
of apotheosis was not the privilege of the great alone. no distinction was made.
. . . It was not even necessary to have
been a virtuous man: the wicked man became a god as well as the good man,— only
that in this after-existence, he retained the evil inclinations of his former
life." Such also was the case in Shintō belief: the good man became a
beneficent divinity, the bad man an evil deity,— but all alike became Kami.
"And since there are bad as well as good gods," wrote Motowori,
"it is necessary to propitiate them with offerings of agreeable food,
playing the harp, blowing the flute, singing and dancing and whatever is likely
to put them in a good humour." The Latins called the maleficent ghosts of
the dead, Larvae, and called the
beneficent or harmless ghosts, Lares,
or Manes, or Genii, according to Apuleius. But all alike were gods,— dii-manes; and Cicero admonished his
readers to render to all dii-manes
the rightful worship: "They are men," he declared, "who have
departed from this life;―
consider them divine beings. . . ."
In Shintō,
as in old Greek belief, to die was to enter into the possession of superhuman
power, to become capable of conferring benefit or of inflicting misfortune by
supernatural means. . . . But yesterday,
such or such a man was a common toiler, a person of no importance;— to-day,
being dead, he becomes a divine power, and his children pray to him for the
prosperity of their undertakings. Thus also we find the personages of Greek
tragedy, such as Alcestis, suddenly transformed into divinities by death, and
addressed in the language of worship or prayer. But, in despite of their
supernatural power, the dead are still dependent upon the living for happiness.
Though viewless, save in dreams, they need earthly nourishment and homage,— food
and drink, and the reverence of their descendants. Each ghost must rely for
such comfort upon its living kindred;— only through the devotion of that
kindred can it ever find repose. Each ghost must have shelter,— a fitting
tomb;— each must have offerings. While honourably sheltered and properly
nourished the spirit is pleased, and will aid in maintaining the good-fortune
of its propitiators. But if refused the sepulchral home, the funeral rites, the
offerings of food and fire and drink, the spirit will suffer from hunger and
cold and thirst, and, becoming angered, will act malevolently and contrive
misfortune for those by whom it has been neglected. . . . Such were the ideas of the old Greeks
regarding the dead; and such were the ideas of the old Japanese.
Although the religion of ghosts was once the
religion of our own forefathers— whether of Northern or Southern Europe,— and
although practices derived from it, such as the custom of decorating graves
with flowers, persist to-day among our most advanced communities,— our modes of
thought have so changed under the influences of modern civilization that it is
difficult for us to imagine how people could ever have supposed that the
happiness of the dead depended upon material food. But it is probable that the
real belief in ancient European societies was much like the belief as it exists
in modern Japan. The dead are not supposed to consume the substance of the
food, but only to absorb the invisible essence of it. In the early period of
ancestor-worship the food-offerings were large; later on they were made smaller
and smaller as the idea grew up that the spirits required but little sustenance
of even the most vapoury kind. But, however small the offerings, it was
essential that they should be made regularly. Upon these shadowy repasts
depended the well-being of the dead; and upon the well-being of the dead
depended the fortunes of the living. Neither could dispense with the help of
the other. the visible and the invisible worlds were forever united by bonds
innumerable of mutual necessity; and no single relation of that union could be
broken without the direst consequences.
The history of all religious sacrifices can
be traced back to this ancient custom of offerings made to ghosts; and the
whole Indo-Aryan race had at one time no other religion than this religion of
spirits. In fact, every advanced human society has, at some period of its
history, passed through the stage of ancestor-worship; but it is to the Far
East that we must took to-day in order to find the cult coexisting with an
elaborate civilization. Now the Japanese ancestor-cult — though representing
the beliefs of a non-Aryan people, and offering in the history of its
development various interesting peculiarities — still embodies much that is
characteristic of ancestor-worship in general. There survive in it especially
these three beliefs, which underlie all forms of persistent ancestor-worship in
all climes and countries:—
I.— The dead remain in this world,— haunting
their tombs, and also their former homes, and sharing invisibly in the life of
their living descendants;—
II.— All the dead become gods, in the sense
of acquiring supernatural power; but they retain the characters which
distinguished them during life;—
III.— The happiness of the dead depends upon
the respectful service rendered them by the living; and the happiness of the
living depends upon the fulfilment of pious duty to the dead.
To these very early beliefs may be added the
following, probably of later development, which at one time must have exercised
immense influence:—
IV.— Every event in the world, good or
evil,— fair seasons or plentiful harvests,— flood and famine,— tempest and
tidal-wave and earthquake,— is the work of the dead.
V.— All human actions, good or bad, are
controlled by the dead.
The first three beliefs survive from the
dawn of civilization, or before it,— from the time in which the dead were the
only gods, without distinctions of power. The latter two would seem rather of
the period in which a true mythology — an enormous polytheism — had been
developed out of the primitive ghost-worship. There is nothing simple in these
beliefs: they are awful, tremendous beliefs; and before Buddhism helped to
dissipate them, their pressure upon the mind of a people dwelling in a land of
cataclysms, must have been like an endless weight of nightmare. But the elder
beliefs, in softened form, are yet a fundamental part of the existing cult.
Though Japanese ancestor-worship has undergone many modifications in the past
two thousand years, these modifications have not transformed its essential
character in relation to conduct; and the whole framework of society rests upon
it, as on a moral foundation. The history of Japan is really the history of her
religion. No single fact in this connection is more significant than the fact
that the ancient Japanese term for government — matsuri-goto — signifies liberally "matters of worship."
Later on we shall find that not only government, but almost everything in
Japanese society, derives directly or indirectly from this ancestor-cult; and
that in all matters the dead, rather than the living, have been the rulers of
the nation and—the shapers of its destinies.